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Duke Ellington, Bronzed Terracotta, 24" high, Collection of the George Peabody Library, Baltimore, MD

Duke Ellington busts, 6" high, bronzed plaster, limited edition of 100, commissioned by the Duke Ellington Society in Washington, DC

Bill Clinton, Polychromed Terracotta, 24" high

Given to the White House in 1993, but it was refused on account of its being made of terracotta, a "suspicious and unknown" material.

Collection of the artist.


Cesar Chavez, Clay maquette, 6" high, Created for a sculpture competition in Arizona, honoring Chavez. The committee selected a non-representational submission instead.


Frederick Douglass, terracotta, 24" high, the Frederick Douglass Academy, Harlem, NYC


At the Frederick Douglass Academy Library


Fidel Castro, Polychromed Terracotta, 24" high. This piece was grateully accepted in 1999 by the "Cuban Interests Section" in Washington, DC, but later they recanted, indicating that there would likely be repercussions from the US Government. (Collection of the artist)



Boris Yeltsin, Polychromed Terracotta, 18" high

At right, I model the Yeltsin head in clay using photographs collected from various sources as reference. The head is filled with newspaper, propped and braced until modeling is complete and leather-hard clay can be removed from the vertical pipe armature. After drying, it is fired in a kiln, and then painted with oils.

The head was displayed in the Russian Embassy in 1998. About a month after accepting it, I was asked to retreive it.


Nelson Mandela, polychromed terracotta, 24" high. Collection of the artist.


Thelonius Monk, Bronzed Terracotta (At right, unfired clay)

24" high

Collection of the George Peabody Library, Baltimore, MD

Alan Mandel, terracotta, 24" high. Alan Mandel is a distiguished pianist and a professor of music at American University in Wahington, DC.

Billy Taylor, bronzed terracotta, 24" high. At right, I am presenting the portrait bust to Dr. T himself, at a concert The Billy Taylor Trio performed in Columbia, MD, in 2000.



Jerry Dadds, Terracotta, slightly larger-than-life, mounted on a walnut base.




Life-sized terracotta



Sophia Loren, Terracotta, 24" high, Collection of the artist



Steve Allen

Bronzed Terracotta, 24" high





Me, my husband Bob, and Steve Allen at the Vantage House reception following his benefit concert for the Candlelight Concert Society in Columbia, MD.


The portrait dons its "Miranda Act" sombrero, and clock glasses.


Jesse Jackson, Terracotta, 20" high